Welcome to Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University

                                                                                       हेमवती नंदन बहुगुणा गढ़वाल विश्वविद्यालय(केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय)

                                                               HEMVATI NANDAN BAHUGUNA GARHWAL UNIVERSITY( A Central University )


Sr. No. Name Designation Department Office Phone No. Residence Phone No. Mobile No. Email Last Updated
61 Dr. Ashok Kumar Associate Professor Department of Mathematics 09917254135 ashrsdma@gmail.com 23/08/2022
62 Dr. Ashok Kumar Pandey Professor(Head) Department of Law 01376254103 09412141343 pandey.ashok70@gmail.com 18/02/2025
63 Dr. Ashok Kumar Pandey Head 09412141343 pandey.ashok70@gmail.com 18/02/2025
64 Dr. Ashutosh Gupta Associate Professor Department of Sanskrit 01370267173 9410024655 Gupta.ashutosh38@gmail.com 13/03/2023
65 Dr. Ashutosh Singh Assistant Professor Department of Geography 08400559922 singh4as@gmail.com 24/04/2024
66 Dr. Atul Saini Assistant Professor Department of Geography +91-9868636507 atulsainimail@gmail.com 26/12/2024
67 Dr. B.S. Bhandari, Deputy Proctor Chief Proctor 9412961154 bhandaribs11@gmail.com 11/03/2025
68 Dr. Babita Patni Assistant Professor High Altitude Plant Physiology Research Center 7895630389 babita28paatni@gmail.com 15/04/2023
69 Dr. Babita Rana Assistant Professor Department Of Biotechnology 7467847907 rananabita8@gmail.com 27/03/2024
70 Dr. Baibhav Sharma, Assistant Proctor Chief Proctor 8744846512 v2194sharma@gmail.com 11/03/2025