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                                                                                       हेमवती नंदन बहुगुणा गढ़वाल विश्वविद्यालय(केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय)

                                                               HEMVATI NANDAN BAHUGUNA GARHWAL UNIVERSITY( A Central University )


Sr. No. Name Designation Department Office Phone No. Residence Phone No. Mobile No. Email Last Updated
81 Dr. Chandi Prasad(Guest Faculty) Assistant Professor Department of Environmental Science 9456720397 cpsemwal2@gmail.com 21/03/2023
82 Dr. Chandra Shekhar Assistant Professor Department of Economics +91 8534919056 joshicsuk@gmail.com 16/03/2024
83 Dr. Charan Singh Assistant Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Science +91 9888184816 c.singhniper009@gmail.com 10/03/2023
84 Dr. Chintaharan Betal Assistant Professor Department of Naturopathy and Yoga 8006687334 drcbetal@rediffmail.com 10/05/2023
85 Dr. D.K. Rana Assistant Professor Department of Horticulture 9412137680 11/03/2025
86 Dr. D.S. Bisht Head 9412079760 dhansinghbishtuk@gmail.com 06/07/2024
87 Dr. D.S. Chauhan Professor Department of Forestry and Natural Resources 91 - 9412949549 dsc_oci@rediffmail.com, dschauhan2008@gmail.com 17/03/2023
88 Dr. D.S.Bisht Professor(Head) Department of Drawing and Painting 9412079760, 9412079599 dhansinghbishtuk@gmail.com 17/03/2023
89 Dr. Devendra Singh Assistant Professor Department of Education 09084004007 drdevendrahnbedu007@gmail.com, devendrasingh@hnbgu.ac.in 20/02/2024
90 Dr. Devendra Singh, Assistant Proctor Chief Proctor 9084004007 drdevendrahnbedu007@gmail.com 06/07/2024