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                                                                                       हेमवती नंदन बहुगुणा गढ़वाल विश्वविद्यालय(केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय)

                                                               HEMVATI NANDAN BAHUGUNA GARHWAL UNIVERSITY( A Central University )


Sr. No. Name Designation Department Office Phone No. Residence Phone No. Mobile No. Email Last Updated
151 Dr. Kiran Verma Assistant Professor Department of Naturopathy and Yoga 91-9045057620 divyakiranyog@gmail.com 10/05/2023
152 Dr. Kiran Verma NSS Coordinator 9045057620 divyakiranyog@gmail.com 28/05/2024
153 Dr. Kunwar Singh Rawat In charge Head Department of Mathematics +91-7579476164 16/02/2024
154 Dr. Lakhan Singh Assistant Professor Department of Statistics 9456579708 drsinghlakhan@gmail.com 27/02/2023
155 Dr. Lakhi Ram Dangwal Assistant Professor(Head) Department of Botany and Microbiology 9412954084 drlrdangwal@gmail.com 27/03/2024
156 Dr. Lakhi Ram Dangwal, Department of Botany Senior Assistant Professor 9412954084 07/01/2025
157 Dr. Lhamu Tshering Dukpa Assistant Professor Department of Sociology and Social Work (+91) 8145295664 tsheringdukpa@outlook.com, lhamudukpa@gmail.com 14/02/2024
158 Dr. M.C. Purohit Professor Department of Chemistry 01368-222275 01368-223213 9410925970 mcpurohit123@gmail.com 21/02/2024
159 Dr. M.C. Sati Professor(Head) Department of Economics 941207953 satimc@rediffmail.com 18/05/2024
160 Dr. M.M. Semwal Professor Department of Political Science 9412079266 mmsemwal@gmail.com 19/02/2024