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                                                                                       हेमवती नंदन बहुगुणा गढ़वाल विश्वविद्यालय(केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय)

                                                               HEMVATI NANDAN BAHUGUNA GARHWAL UNIVERSITY( A Central University )

What's New Archive

Sr. No. Title File Details Last Updated
491 Training and Skill Internship (VRITIKA) In Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences H.N.B Garhwal University, Srinagar Uttarakhand
File (1.42 MB - English)
492 Public Notice-Display of Eligibility Status and Upload of Certificate(s) Document(s)- Transport Service- Driver
File (940.92 KB - English)
493 Date sheet for B.A. Home Science (NEP)II/IV Sem MDI Women En
File (583.02 KB - English)
494 Extension of date for online registration form PG. Entrance Exam 2023-24-reg
File (643.17 KB - English)
495 Date sheet for LL.B/B.A.LL.B IV Old Semester (Back) Exam 2023-24-reg
File (586.28 KB - English)
496 Date Sheet for BSc. VI Comuter Science (Database Application) , Botany ( Fluoriculture) and BA VI Hind GEN- Adhunik Bhartiya Sahiytya -reg
File (711.27 KB - English)
497 Notification for Rescheduling the Date of Exam to be held on 17/06/2024 -reg
File (811.52 KB - English)
498 Corrigendum for office order HNBGU/Exam/2024/Sec /5140 date 14/06/2024 regarding PG IV Sem Exam date 18/06/2024-reg
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499 Office order for Rescheduling the Date of Exam Only PG IV Sem to be held on 18/06/2024 due to UGC NET Exam-reg
File (692.49 KB - English)
500 Notification of date sheet of M.Com.&LLM II Sem whose exams are postponed to 1/06/2024-reg
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