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                                                                                       हेमवती नंदन बहुगुणा गढ़वाल विश्वविद्यालय(केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय)

                                                               HEMVATI NANDAN BAHUGUNA GARHWAL UNIVERSITY( A Central University )

What's New Archive

Sr. No. Title File Details Last Updated
511 Rescheduling the Date of Exam B.Sc. IV Sem Microbiology Skill Paper to be held on 06/06/2024-reg
File (572.29 KB - English)
512 Date Sheet for MA Theatre II & IV Sem Exam-2023-24
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513 Rescheduling the Date of Exam M.Sc. Seed Science & Technology IV Sem Exam to be held on 05/06/2024-reg
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514 Date Sheet for CBCS BA/ B.Com. II (Back Paper) AECC Hindi Ka vyavshar Vyakarn Shastra Paper Code 750211-reg
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515 Syllabus for Written Test/Skill Test for Direct Recruitment to the posts of Assistant (Administrative Services- Group-B)
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516 Interview Call Letter for Ph.D.(Zoology) Program 2023-24
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517 Fwd: PhD interview letter (Himalayan Aquatic Biodiversity)
File (1.46 MB - English)
518 B.Tech. Even Semester Theory Examination(Old Course): 2023-2024-reg.
File (75.41 KB - English)
519 Office order regarding postponement of the all UG/PG paper schedule to be held on 01/06/2024 due to (B.Ed/B.P.Ed/M.P.Ed/M.Ed) Entrance Exam 2024-reg
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520 CORRIGENDUM- Recruitment Notification No- HNBGU/Recruitment/NT/2024/339 Dated 29-02-2024
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