Faculty Photo

Degree , University B.Sc., M.J.P Ruhelkhand University Bareilly Uttar Pradesh India M.Sc., Physics Specilization in Electronics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India Ph.D Atmopsheric Physics and Space Science, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology and Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune Junior Associate, International Centre from Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Italy, 2012-2018.
Specialization & Research Interest
Areas of Interest/ Specialization (Atmospheric Physics and Space Science/Electronics/Meteorology)
1. Space Weather Studies of Upper Atmosphere.
2. GPS based Total Electron Content (TEC) & Water Vapor content measurements and their variability.
3. Atmospheric studies involving aerosols, dust storms, winter fog, and their radiative and climate effects mainly in Himalayan region.
4. Study of VLF Whistler-Mode waves and their generation and propagation mechanisms.
5. Electrodynamics of the Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere.
6. Characterizing properties of atmospheric aerosols (including biological aerosols) to study the climatic and health impact (field measurements, laboratory experiments, and numerical modeling)
7. Climate change and public health
8. Cloud Dynamics in Pristine Himalayan region.
9. Air Quality Monitoring in Uttarakhand
1. Space Weather Studies of Upper Atmosphere.
2. GPS based Total Electron Content (TEC) & Water Vapor content measurements and their variability.
3. Atmospheric studies involving aerosols, dust storms, winter fog, and their radiative and climate effects mainly in Himalayan region.
4. Study of VLF Whistler-Mode waves and their generation and propagation mechanisms.
5. Electrodynamics of the Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere.
6. Characterizing properties of atmospheric aerosols (including biological aerosols) to study the climatic and health impact (field measurements, laboratory experiments, and numerical modeling)
7. Climate change and public health
8. Cloud Dynamics in Pristine Himalayan region.
9. Air Quality Monitoring in Uttarakhand
Mobile Phone No.
+91 9997138763
Faculty Profile
Visiting Campus
Part Time
Designation Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) Department Physics Campus Birla & Chauras Campus