Welcome to Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University

                                                                                       हेमवती नंदन बहुगुणा गढ़वाल विश्वविद्यालय(केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय)

                                                               HEMVATI NANDAN BAHUGUNA GARHWAL UNIVERSITY( A Central University )

Tenders Archive

Sr. No. Title Tender Number Tender Opening Date Tender Closing Date File Details
1 Limited Quotation Tender Inquiry: LAN Networking and WI-Fi facility 2025MARFMTS00000367 Dated: 19/03/2025
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2 Regarding Invitation of quotation for publication of annual campus magzine in Pauri Campus. HNBGU/Pauri Campus/2025/7309
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3 LIMITED TENDER ENQUIRE NOTICE FOR "Estimate for Supply, Transportation & Erection & testing & Commissioning of AMF Panel, Bus Bar Panel, LT cable for Reading Room H.N.B Srinagar Garhwal" HNBGU/E/M/Limited Tender/2024/36
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4 Regarding Invitation Of Quotation For Publication of Annual Magazine In Pauri Campus HNBGU/PAURI/2025/1309
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5 Inviting quotation for Non Comprehensive AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) for 4 no. of UPS System HNBG/CC?2025/03
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6 Inviting quotation for replacement of 262 nos. of 1 KVA Batteries HNBGU/CC/2025/01 Dated:21/01/2025
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7 Tender notice for "Fabrication of Display cases & racks in Zoology Deptt. Chauras". HNBGU/ES//2024/535
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8 E Tender Document for “ Washing/Repairing work (Residences, Girls Hostel, Boys Hostel, and Academic Buildings) at Pauri Campus " HNBGU/ES/ET/2024/19A, Dated: 03-12-2024
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9 Tender notice for “ Washing/ Repairing work (Residences, Girls Hostel,Boys Hostel and Academic buildings) at Pauri Campus ” HNBGU/ET/ES/2024/19
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10 Tender notice for " Development of footpath from Library Building Chauras to canteen Block for HNB Garhwal University at Chauras). HNBGU/ET/2024/488
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