Welcome to Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University

Department of Rural Technology

                                                           हेमवती नंदन बहुगुणा गढ़वाल विश्वविद्यालय(केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय)

                                           HEMVATI NANDAN BAHUGUNA GARHWAL UNIVERSITY( A Central University )


Major Areas of Research

  • Sustainable Rural Development
  • Natural Resource Management and Watershed Management
  • Climate Change, Vulnerability  and Adaptation
  • Innovative Technology and Mushroom cultivation

Major Areas for Consultancy Services

  • Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan
  • Social Impact Assessment

Extension Areas

  • Community Village Survey and Extension
  • Innovative and Appropriate Technology
  • Medicinal and Aromatic plant
  • Environmental awareness

Training Areas

  • Natural Resource Management and Watershed Development and Management
  • Climate Vulnerability Assessment
  • Socio-economic Assessment
  • Environmental Impact Assessment/ Environmental Management Plan

Infrastructural Facilities

  • Departmental library with approx. 2000 books and 04 national journals
  • Seminar hall with capacity of 50 seats
  • One ha area for field experimentation and demonstration
  • Automatic Weather Station (AWS)
  • Soil and Water Conservation Lab
  • Remote Sensing and GIS Lab
  • Mushroom Cultivation and Fruit Preservation Lab
  • Respirable Dust Samplers, Fine Particle sampler, Gaseous Pollutants sampler (Envirotech model) PM 2.5 and PM 10
  • ERDAS & ARCVIEW/ ARC GIS, GIS software

Technical Facilities

  • Soil and Water Analysis Lab
  • RS & GIS lab
  • Mushroom Cultivation/Mushroom Spawn Lab


  • Global Positing System(GPS)
  • Laminar flow
  • Hot Air Oven
  • Autoclave
  • Sieve Shaker
  • Double Distillation Unit 
  • UV - Spectrophotometer
  • Rotary Shaker
  • PH/ORP/Temperature Bench meter /Conductivity/TDS /DO meter
  • Surveying equipments
  • Dacicator
  • ArcGIS /ArcView and ERDAS

Collaborating Departments from University

  • Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
  • Department of Horticulture
  • Department of Geology
  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Geography
  • Department of Adult  Continuing Education & Extension

Teaching Aids and Approaches

  • Use of OHPs and LCD for class room teaching
  • Field oriented training
  • Watershed Management Development Projects
  • Farmers’ field demonstration
  • Reputed Non Governmental Organizations
  • Seminars/Workshops and group discussions etc.

Placement of Students

  • In academics as Assistant Professor in Universities/ Private Institutes,
  • In State Govt. Agriculture and Horticulture Departments
  • In NGOs, as young professionals
  • In research, as Project fellow,  RA in National and regional research institutes such as GBPIHD Garhwal Unit, 



S. No.

Name of Project

Funding Agency





Formulation of EIA and EMP of Kotlibhel hydroelectric project stage – IA Uttarakhand




Formulation of EIA and EMP of Kotlibhel hydroelectric projects stage – IB in Uttarakhand




Formulation of EIA and EMP of Naitwar-Mori hydroelectric project, District. Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand





  • “World Environment Day Celebration” on 5 June 2019, Theme Beat Air Pollution. Jointly Organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Department of Rural Technology, HNB Garhwal University Srinagar Garhwal, Chauras Campus, Uttarakhand.
  • Convener of Seven days training programme for Raj Mistri (Massanors) on Earthquake Resistant Low-Cost Housing System and Established a Demo unit in the Dept. Of Rural Technology, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal. Sponsored by Disaster Management Unit, , Govt. of Uttarakhand, 2008.
  • National Seminar on Land Use Management and Sustainable Development in U.P. Himalaya, 10- 12, June, 1998.


Details of Ph. D. Awards Since 15 January 2009 to till date

1.         Name of the Scholar:  Dr. Manoj Kumar Parmar

Name of the Supervisor: Prof. Rajendra Singh Negi

Date of Registration: HNBGU/Res./22125/ 17-5-2007

Date of Ph.D. completion:  March 2010

Topic of Research:  Resource Dynamics and Its Implications for the Sustainable Watershed Development: A Case Study of Takoli Gad Watershed, Garhwal Himalaya.

Abstract: The present study area is Takoli Gad watershed, which is the sub tributary of Alaknanda river. It includes a part of lesser Himalaya is the adjoining area of Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand Himalaya. Geographically the catchment (Takoli Gad) is lying between the 300 14 to 300 23 N latitude and 780 37 to 780 46 E longitudes in the Survey of India toposheet No. 53 J/11, 53 J/12 and 53 J/15 with an area of about 131.43 Km2.  The Takoli Gad watershed area covered the  Juyal Garh, Dugadda, Jakhand, Chauki and Kandikhal  etc  has received very  little attention of watershed management by research workers due to its inaccessibility. The present area was selected for to carry out the D.Phil work on the topic “Resource Dynamics and its Implications for the Sustainable Watershed Development: A Case Study of Takoli Gad Watershed, Garhwal Himalaya”. An attempt is made here to work out the resource dynamics and its implication of livelihoods of inhabitants of watershed with identification of water resources (identification and distribution of springs), resource pattern, metrological studies, qualitative and quantitative analysis of water and soils sediment discharge. Preparation of various thematic maps viz general geological map, soil types, slope,  drainage distribution of springs, land use pattern maps etc. by the help of Remote Sensing and GIS software.

The conclusion of the study was the area is constituted by variety of rocks such as various types of phyllites, quartzites, basic and carbonate. The area is characterized by various type of landforms representing the complex processes of erosion and deposition under the influence of fluvial and neotectonic activity during Quaternary period. The drainage basin of Takoli Gad is elongate to arcuate in shape. The master channel is of Sixth order and flow N-S. The dominating drainage pattern is dendritic with trellis near the confluence with main stream. The landuse study of the investigated area shows that there are four main landuse patterns i.e. agriculture land, non agriculture land, waste land and forest land. Land capability classification showed  that the most of the area of watershed fall in class V to Class VIII. The soils of the investigated area are mostly acidic to neutral. Analysis of ecosystem and resourced used pattern across three altitudinal zones in the watershed indicates that each of the altitudinal zones has its own peculiarities.

The valley witnessed massive migration. This resulted in reduced utilization of its rich natural resources, be it land, water or forest. The workload of the women in the watershed is very high. Apart from traditional gender division, the fact that able- bodied men are mostly migrated has resulted in women taking up drudgery in higher scale. The productivity of agriculture land is quite low. The interventions in animal husbandry are very few and has not affected in any meaningful changes. The livestock management has been adversely affected  due to large-scale migration. The management of water is very limited. Due to scattered distribution of land, the management of land in entire  watershed is problematic. There is large scale abandonment of agricultural land due to migration, uneven land distribution and input intensive agriculture. These abandoned lands getting converted into wastelands.

There is massive opportunity in converting water resources into domestic and farm use. The drinking water supply system is not there in many villages. Installing such facilities through gravity and lift is possible. Horticulture can play a vital role in reviving economic status of many families. The weather and topography is suitable for fruits and vegetable. In lower valley intervention in agriculture can be made with the purpose of value addition. The main occupation of the people here is agriculture. Intervention in agriculture by providing seed, fertilizers, extension support and crop rotation can be useful. As vast area of land is being converted into wasteland due to abandoning, this land can be used for plantation of value adding horticultural crops, fodder and medicinal plants. The valley lacks proper sanitation facility. Generally people use open spaces for defecating. Intervention in providing low cost and viable alternatives for sanitation is possible.



2.         Name of the Scholar:  Dr. Rekha Dhaynai

Name of the Supervisor: Prof. Rajendra Singh Negi

Date of Registration:  ART/14135

Date of Ph.D completion:  March 2017

Topic of Research:  Assessment of Innovative Technology Intervention in Livelihood Strategies for Sustainable Rural Development: An Exploratory Study of District Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand.

Abstract: This study shows how the residents of different altitudes of district Rudraprayag obtain their livelihood from various livelihood activities; an increasing livelihood diversification among the residents were observed in this study area and how these relate to assets, and access within the livelihood framework. The implications for policy reform are numerous and need attention from both state and national institutions. Among the respondents, activities being engaged are categorized into agricultural and non-agricultural. Agricultural activities are basically agriculture and allied activities while non-agricultural activities are salaried jobs, trading, tourism, local small entrepreneur etc. that generate income or support for households. Internal household dynamics based on age and household education is shown to affect positively the livelihood outcomes (income and well-being). Then, the study indicates that the role of assets such as social asset, land, property, savings and labour is central in determining the outcomes of livelihood activities as measured by income and well-being. The diverse and unpredictable ecology of the study area makes the people’s livelihood means and strategies dwindling. Therefore, government presence through provision of infrastructural facilities such as accessible roads, potable water and electricity supply, market, is highly essential in the agrarian rural areas of the country like the study area because continuing marginalization and neglect of these rural areas can have a spillover effect to the mobility. This study analyzed the inter relationship between the livelihood strategy and livelihood asset by the use of binary regression.

The environmental friendly, suitable technologies for mountains as adopted by the people more easily to meet their needs. Due to the fast changing socio-economic and cultural traditions, the need for technology/innovation increasing for rural communities and thus require local capacity building. Training programmes for related technology is the better medium for development of farmers skill. It has helped farmers to change their attitudes towards the usefulness of the technology.

Sustainable development of the mountain reason is possible only when the development is ‘by and for’ people and reflects local resource utilization in a sustainable manner and be of benefit to them. This can be addressed through development and effective utilization of local potential resources with value addition through appropriate technology intervention.




3.         Name of the Scholar:  Dr. Santosh Singh

Name of the Supervisor: Prof. Rajendra Singh Negi

Date of Registration:  ART/14136

Date of  Ph.D completion:  March 2017

Topic of Research:   Performance of MGNREGA in Sustainable Livelihood of Rural Community in District Pauri Garhwal. Uttarakhand .

Abstract: The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), 2005 which is a rights-based flagship scheme of the Government of India with effect from 2 February, 2006, guarantees at least 100 days of wage employment in a given financial year to every rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work. The MGNREGA is also intended to create durable community assets which would enhance productivity along with an increase in demand for labour. This study focuses on explaining the basic concept of MGNREGA, its uniqueness, diverse perspectives and operational dimensions, availability of finance and attitude of bureaucracy. The topic of the present study is "Performance of MGNREGA in Sustainable Livelihood of Rural Community in District Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand". In the present study an attempt has been made to examine and investigate the conduct poverty dynamics study considering pre and post MGNREGA assess the impacts of the scheme on various development indicators and implementation procedure of MGNREGA.

The study required information from both primary and secondary sources. The study reveals that out of 2354 sample beneficiaries about 39.7 percent of beneficiaries family monthly income accounted for above Rs 5500 after they joined to MGNREGA and before it was 35.1 percent. About 18.5 percent of the beneficiaries' earnings were Rs 1001-2500 before the MGNREGA but after the joining MGNREGA 49.4 percent. Hence, it is observed that the role of MGNREGS is very important for poverty eradication of workers through the wage income from MGNEREA in the study district Pauri Garhwal. The Mahatma Gandhi NREGA introduced in the country with the twins objectives of employment generation and rural assets creation, no doubt, has hit the rural areas in a high tempo of celebration and boon. Evidently, though the Scheme could generate large number employment to the rural masses and release huge amount of money as wages, durable rural assets creation ensuring sustainable development in the long-run is found to be insignificant. This study concluded that the beneficiaries increased their annual income by low to medium category. It shows the good impact of MGNREGA program among the beneficiaries for enhancing their livelihood security in rural areas. In the context of migration no change were found outside the state categories, only outside the village but within block categories change the percent of migration because they go outside the village and found the less amount of payment if they earn large amount but they get spent their money on conventional and food.  After the implementation of MGNREGA from decades, the awareness about the act of beneficiaries was not satisfactory. Eventually or ultimately from this study, we can conclude that Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act is a flagship programme and it is really a boon for the rural poor.














4.         Name of the Scholar:  Dr. Akhilesh Chandra

Name of the Supervisor: Prof. Rajendra Singh Negi

Date of Registration:  ART/15145

Date of  Ph.D completion:  August 2020

Topic of Research: Assessment of Natural Resources and Implication for Sustainable Rural Development:  Carrying Capacity Study of Kyunja Gad Watershed, District Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand

Abstract: The study intends to estimate the natural resources such as Water Resources, Forest, Vegetation, Soil and Landuse carrying capacity of Kyunja Gad Watershed. In a rural mountain catchment like the Kyunja Gad Watershed which is lies in the Agastyamuni Block of District Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand, is noted for its rich and vast natural resources. Water, forests and land etc are the main sources of livelihood in rural mountainous watershed. The growing population is further increasing the pressure on natural resources. The main objectives of the present investigation were to work out the assessment of Natural resources and its implication on livelihood of inhabitants of watershed with identification of water resources (identification and distribution of spring, water resources carrying capacity, water quality), resources pattern, carrying capacity of watershed, metrological studies, qualitative and quantitative study of water and soils of the catchments. Preparation of various thematic maps viz. Basin map, drainage map, slope map, aspect map, landuse map, land capability map, spring location map, and environmental carrying capacity map of the Kyunja Gad Watershed were carried out. Rural society depends on natural resources for survival and the carrying capacity study helps to identify the single vital resource that is in least supply. Water Resources, Forest, Vegetation, Soil and Landuse carrying capacity of Kyunja Gad Watershed result will be beneficial for the local people as well as government units of the region in the watershed for decision making and policy formulation regarding the sustainable use of natural resources. The study area  Kyunja Gad watershed is the Catchment area of Mandakini River Geographically the catchment lying between the 30° 28' to 30° 22' 7'' N latitudes and 79° 4' 2'' to 78° 10' 6'' E longitude in the Survey of India toposheet No 53 N/3 and Physiographically the watershed is divided into three geomorphic divisions viz. (a) low altitude (800-1200 m), (b) middle altitude (1200-1600 m), (c) high altitude (>1600 m). It was observed that the spatial distribution of Environmental carrying capacity was different at different altitudes. Water resource carrying capacity value was observed 0.64 in high altitude of 0.44 in middle altitude and 0.46 in lower altitude. Land carrying capacity of was noted 0.55 in higher altitude and 0.36 in middle altitude and 0.28 in lower altitude. The socio-economic carrying capacity, water resource carrying capacity, Land carrying capacity was the highest level in higher altitude as compared to the middle and lower attitude of Kyunja gad Watershed. Low carrying capacity does not mean that it cannot sustain, it means that it is still stable but has less carrying capacity than another altitude of Kyunja Gad Watershed. The spatial distribution of ECC was closely related to the vulnerability of natural geography, and resource distribution. Therefore, the improvement of environmental quality and resource utilization efficiency in a region would increase the environmental carrying capacity.

A watershed provides natural resources for the survival of man and his animals. Without natural resources human would not survive. Water, forest and land etc ate main sources of livelihood in rural mountainous watershed.  This study shows how the local community resides of different altitudes of Kyanja Gad Watershed, district Rudraprayag obtain their natural resources and their impacts with implications on livelihood from various livelihood activities; an increasing livelihood diversification among the residents were observed in this study area and how these relate to assets, and access within the livelihood framework. Natural resources are the main factors of an ecological balance that needs to be protected and used in a sustainable way. In view of the management the sustainability of these important resources is essential to sustain people’s prosperity. However in the context of sustainability, communities have different types of capital that need to be considered viz. natural, human, social and built capital. All four types of capital are necessary for communities/ societies to function.

The study shows that the Carrying capacity is widely used in the sustainable development and specific activities like natural resources, the environment and ecosystems can carry. The assessment results show that Environmental carrying capacity highest level in higher altitude, followed by middle altitude and lowest in lower altitude of kyunja Gad Watershed.  The spatial distribution of Environmental Carrying Capacity was different in different altitudes. The socio economic, water resources, land carrying capacity was highest level in higher altitudes as compare to middle altitude in the study area. The spatial distribution of ECC was closely related to vulnerability of natural geographic conditions as well as existing resource distribution pattern. In the study area the water requirement in comparison to quantity and quality is marginally sufficient in few areas. Various adaptation strategies are required to mitigate the scarcity of water during summer season shall improved the water availability with enhancement of livelihood options. On the basis of Water Quality Index (WQI) analysis of various quality parameters shows positive results to assess the suitability of natural springs water for drinking purpose in the study area.

Last Updated on 29/12/2020